Malaria champion Linet Kamadi portrait

'Malaria has always been a part of my life'

Linet Kamadi, a 28 year old community health worker from Kakamega, Kenya, is on the frontline fighting malaria – a disease that has followed her through her personal and professional life.

Malaria is a serious situation for anyone, but for young children and pregnant women it is especially dangerous. Linet Kamadi knows this reality all too well – she survived a severe case of malaria as a child, and went on to experience malaria again when pregnant with her 13-month old twins.

"Malaria has always been a part of my personal and professional life," Linet says.

Now 28 years old, Linet is fighting back against malaria as a community health worker, the first line of defence in helping communities prevent and treat the disease.

"I have engaged in different activities to fight malaria in Kakamega county through awareness-raising, especially with young pregnant mothers and the community at large to see the importance of fighting malaria," says Linet, "I do so by encouraging them to keep their compounds clean, free from bushes and stagnant waters and making them ensure that they sleep in treated mosquito nets. For pregnant mothers I make sure they attend all antenatal and prenatal clinics."

"A healthy population translates to a productive economy."

Public misconceptions about malaria make it difficult to beat: "A lot of people don’t view malaria as a ‘big’ disease," says Linet. She believes resolving this information gap and sensitising more people to the reality of malaria is key to ending the disease for good.

"As a young person, we have technology at our disposal and we can use such platforms to communicate and help other people come on board."

Linet shared why she’s adding her voice to the Draw The Line Against Malaria campaign: "Me being here right now is an opportunity. It’s a platform to let the whole world know that we should join this fight against malaria and see Africa through a global lens," she says. "Ending malaria means we can shift the focus and the funds from malaria to other critical issues around the globe."

"My message to leaders is to encourage them to make their individual commitment to the Global Fund and embrace malaria as a key priority issue."

Together we can end malaria and chart a bold path for Africa’s future. Join the Zero Malaria movement today.

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Building on the Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement

We can be the generation that ends malaria

A deadly disease is stealing our future

Building on the Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement

We can be the generation that ends malaria

A deadly disease is stealing our future

Draw the line now