Black and white image of band Sauti Sol with text 'zero malaria starts with me'

Sauti Sol joins the Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement

Kenyan hitmakers Sauti Sol become Zero Malaria ambassadors, launching the partnership at their Solfest event in December 2022.

Sauti Sol, one of Africa’s most popular bands, have officially joined the Zero Malaria movement.  
The award-winning Kenyan four-piece created a powerful moment at their music festival, Solfest, attended by a 15,000-strong crowd. Featuring the Draw The Line Against Malaria campaign splashed across the main stage, the band marked the start of their support for the fight to end malaria.  
Moments like this that build awareness and bring us together are so valuable in ensuring that we can be the generation that ends malaria for good. Sauti Sol join a growing cast of ambassadors adding their voices to the growing global call to invest in a malaria-free world.

Crowd of people at a concert, sparklers going off to the side and a black and white ball bouncing in the middle

Moments like this that build awareness and bring us together are so valuable.

The urgency of this call is building. Progress against malaria took a hit due to Covid-19, and cases and deaths remain above pre-pandemic levels. A child dies every minute from this preventable disease. 
Sauti Sol hail from Kenya, where 100% of the population remains at risk from malaria. The country had been making steady progress reducing the disease, but cases and deaths have begun to creep back up in the wake of Covid-19 – urgent action is needed to get back on track to reach zero malaria.

Hope is far from lost: with new next-level bednets and vaccines on the horizon, we are living in the age where ending malaria could be inevitable – if we secure the commitment, funding and willpower to make it reality. 

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Building on the Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement

We can be the generation that ends malaria

A deadly disease is stealing our future

Building on the Zero Malaria Starts With Me movement

We can be the generation that ends malaria

A deadly disease is stealing our future

Draw the line now